My Gun Projects
Here is a quick pictorial on how I modify an mg42 bolt to semi configuration.
I start by turning a 1.5" steel bar to 1.280" diameter for a distance of 2.6" and drill a 13/16" hole 2.5" deep
Next I use a long boring bar to finish the inside diameter to .940
Then its time to cut the angle on the inside edge that matches the projection on the rear of the stock carrier. I have found its easiest to just set the compound slide to just under 6 degrees and use the boring bar, checking the fit after every pass. You will also need to turn the outside diam of the first .10" to a diameter of 1.280 to fit inside the spring ret ears on the original carrier.
After using the parting tool to cut the bolt extension off at a length of 2.5" its time to turn it around in the chuck and cut the spring seat. I use the same boring tool and make the seat .12" deep and aprox .010 in diam larger than the spring.
Now its time to insure the spring seats snugly and debur any sharp edges.
Next place the turned bolt extension on a set of parralels in the vice on the milling machine and cut a shallow flat. This will allow me to machine the flat on the other side and remove the part from the vice to check the fit and return to the vise in the same position.
With the small flat down I then machine a flat on what will be the top of the extension and mill down a proper distance so the extension is at the same level as the top of the carrier.
The next step is to machining the other side of the extension down so its at the same level as the flat on the bottom of the carrier where the roller stud hole is.
Here are a few bolt extensions nearly done.
The last step is to machine a slot for clearance of the rotating hammer.
Here are a few bolt extensions ready to be welded in place. Next I will detail the welding jig which consist of an arbour that fills the center of the carrier and runs the length of the assembly keeping everything aligned , a plug that fills the bolt extension and a large collar that fits over the bolt extension to act as a heat sink and a retraint to insure the extension doesnt distort from the heat of welding